Tooth implant dentist Belfast, County Down, Northern Ireland
Dr Lucy Stock (nee Jaffa)
BDS DipImpDent RCS (Eng)
Dr Lucy Stock has been providing implants for over 15 years. Her clinic provides the full range of implant treatments, suiting patients who have a problem with a single tooth to those needing replacement of all the teeth in one or both jaws. All types of bone and gum grafting procedures are carried out when appropriate to give extra support to the implants, ensuring that they are long lasting. Lucy leads the practice as clinical director. She takes great care in placing implants in the most comfortable and predictable manner, ensuring that the teeth look great so that patients can smile with confidence.
Patient consultations
Initial consultation is free.
Examination and X-ray costs £60.
We begin with a complete examination of your mouth and discussion about the treatment in a relaxed atmosphere. There will be time to talk about any concerns you may have, see the photos and read our patient testimonials. A treatment plan and no-obligation quotation is provided so that you can make an informed decision. There are a wide range of treatment options to replace missing teeth with dental implants which suit different budgets. So even if you are only missing a couple of teeth or have a limited budget we can discuss treatments that suit you.
Main implant treatments and procedures offered
- Single tooth replacement
- Multiple tooth gaps
- Full mouth cases (denture replacement)
- Gummy smile and soft tissue management
- Combination cases involving ortho/veneers/complex occlusion/perio
- Difficult aesthetic cases
- Mini implants for denture stabilisation
- Gum grafting (auto and allografts)
- Particulate and block bone grafts
- Overdentures
- All-on-four 'Teeth in a Day'
Patient testimonials
"The result achieved by having my teeth fixed is excellent. My teeth look fabulous and really natural. Because of this, I feel much more confident and people have been commenting on how well I look.”
“It's difficult to explain how my life has turned around since having my teeth fixed. I now for the first time in my life have the confidence to smile, laugh and have my photo taken! This has made me more sociable and approachable both in my working and personal life. You offer an outstanding service of professionalism and friendliness that can not be surpassed.”
Additional information
Finance packages are available.
We provide extra support for nervous patients where we tailor your care to deal with whatever is concerning you. Sedation is an option to make your visits more comfortable, including intravenous, oral and inhalational sedation. We have great success in supporting even the most phobic patients through implant treatments.
Other procedures carried out:
- Apicectomies
- Hemisections
- Orthodontics
- Periosurgery
- Crown lengthening
- Lip repositioning
- Full mouth rehab
- Frenectomy
Implant case referral policies, procedures and administration
Please call Adam, Practice Manager, use the case referral form on this website or send a referral letter (photos and X-rays if possible please) with full contact information on the patient. We will send a letter of acknowledgement, the treatment plan and case completion letter. You will be contacted on completion of the case or if anything material arises during treatment.
The referring dentist receives the treatment plan before treatment commences. Full treatment or surgical phase only can be carried out. Treatment planning discussions are welcome.