Replacing one or more missing teeth with individual implant-supported crowns
Single tooth gap
- Tooth extracted due to trauma, infection, failed root filling and/or root fracture
- Crown keeps falling out and/or not enough tooth left to attach crown
- Repeated infections
- Permanent tooth missing from birth
Implant-supported single crown
- Looks and functions just like a natural tooth
- No need to damage adjacent healthy teeth
- Continued use (loading) prevents resorption shrinkage of the underlying bone
- Implant-supported tooth prevents lateral movement (drifting) of adjacent teeth and over-eruption of opposite tooth
- Very high and predictable long-term success, of 98%, with conventional oral hygiene dental care
Leave a gap
- Unsightly
- May impair eating, speech, confidence
- Bone and gum in the gap will shrink
- Positions of adjacent and opposing teeth will be distorted over time
Conventional bridge
- Healthy adjacent teeth need to be damaged to attach/support the bridge, thus compromising long-term health of these teeth
- Bone supporting the gum beneath bridge will shrink due to lack of use
- Extra stress on supporting teeth during chewing
Page compiled with assistance from Dr Waseem Noordin