Tooth implant dentist Aldgate, City of London, London
Dr Sanjay Sethi
BDS (Lond)
Sanjay Sethi has special interests in the restorative and aesthetic aspects of dentistry. Dr Sethi runs hands-on composite courses and jointly presents an implantology year course in London. He lectures on implant dentistry and crown and bridgework, both in the UK and internationally. Sanjay founded and coordinates the Dentology Study Club and is a full member of the British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry.
Patient consultations
Initial consultation: £65 plus X-rays at £11 each as required. Should the case require extensive treatment planning then this will be discussed and quoted at the end of the initial consultation.
If a CT scan is required this payable directly to the scanning centre.
Main implant treatments and procedures offered
- Single through to multiple complex implant rehabilitation cases
- Bone grafting particulate, blocks and combination
- Sinus augmentation
- Ridge manipulation
- Aesthetic periodontal soft tissue control
- Overdentures as well as fixed prosthesis
- Maintenance and review programmes
Patient testimonials
"I went out for a big family lunch on Saturday, it wasn't so much what I ate but the fact that I went at all! Apart from special occasions I have tended to avoid restaurant situations over the past MANY years, being too self conscious to eat in front of people. You have no idea how much difference it makes to your confidence when you can eat without worrying too much about your teeth."
"Sanjay Sethi is a true artist! A very conscientious practitioner that carries out dentistry to the absolute highest standard! I am a very happy patient."
Additional information
- can restore from start to finish or work with the referring dentist so that they can take over all or some of the restorative phases as they feel comfortable
- Works closely to a team of specialists i.e maxillo-facial surgeon, orthodontics
- Finance options also available
Implant case referral policies, procedures and administration
- Efficient coordination of treatment planning and programming for each patient and the referring dentist
- Full consultation with x-rays (if not supplied)
- Further investigations, eg. CT scan can be arranged after the initial consultation
- Full treatment plan with breakdown of appointments and costs
General dental practitioners are encouraged to undertake the restoration phase of the implant treatment for their own patients in straightforward referred cases. FREE training in the restoration of simple dental implant cases is available (worth 3 hours CPD) at ‘R£LAX’ events. To enquire about starting to restore dental implant cases for your patients, please contact the practice, Tel. 0207 377 0990 Email. info@smdc.co.uk
Sanjay jointly runs an implantology year course with Koray Feran, this is an 18 day programme to provide dentists with knowledge and surgical experience on how to place implants and plan cases with confidence and competence. Further details