Tooth implant dentist , Bath, Somerset

Dr Edward M Boursin

BChD FDSRCPS MSc (Rest Dent) DipImpDent RCS (Eng)

Edward takes referrals for all aspects of implant and restorative dentistry from many dentists in the area.  He has postgraduate and hospital-based training in oral surgery, implant and restorative dentistry.

Edward commenced his dental implant training in 1996 whilst completing his MSc in Restorative Dentistry.  He has also attended numerous ‘industry lead’ implant training courses and has completed the Masters Level Implant Diploma, Royal College of Surgeons, England.  Qualifying in 1990 from Leeds University, Edward has experience in many major implant systems.

Patient consultations

Patients just beginning to think about dental implant treatment may find it helpful to attend a complimentary preliminary consultation with a clinical member of staff.  This appointment does not include a clinical examination and it only takes 15 minutes.  The discussion will help you consider the options for treating your dental problems and decide whether to proceed to a clinical consultation for implants.  The preliminary consultation is free of charge for visitors enquiring through this website.  Please use the button in the right hand column to request an appointment.

Once you have decided in principle that you would like to consider dental implant treatment, the next step is a full clinical consultation.  This includes a comprehensive oral examination, and results in production of a fully-costed individual plan for your treatment.  The fee for this clinical assessment appointment and provision of your personal treatment plan is £85. Additional costs for X-rays may apply, depending upon clinical requirements. You will subsequently be invited back for a free review appointment to discuss the treatment proposals.

Main implant treatments and procedures offered

  • All aspects of implant treatment
  • Full mouth rehabilitations
  • All associated surgical, restorative and aesthetic treatments
  • IV sedation by arrangement
  • Patients strictly treated for referred ‘item of service’ only

Patient testimonials

"As my extensive dental restoration is nearing completion I felt it timely to express my deeply felt gratitude to both you and Sharon for the excellent transformation you have achieved.
I am now greatly enjoying the benefits of the restoration. Not only do I now have a complete smile but importantly for me, I am able to enjoy foods which had previously become increasingly difficult to eat."

"I am writing to express my complete satisfaction with the extensive work you carried out on my teeth.
After 50 years of being ashamed of my gaps and more recently experiencing difficulty eating steaks and other tough foods, I can now eat anything and smile too!
Throughout the process I found you reassuring, informative and skilful.
In sum, I would recommend you without reservation."

Additional information

Robert L Anderson BDS
Robert is a member of The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and The British Society of Restorative Dentistry.

Implant case referral policies, procedures and administration

  • Referrals by letter and on-line accepted
  • Referral packs available
  • All new patients are provided with basic information pack
  • Patients contacted to arrange a 45 minute consultation
  • Following consultation a written report is provided to both patients and referring dentist

General dental practitioners are invited to restore any simple dental implant cases they have referred, should they feel comfortable to do so. Dr Boursin offers regular dental implant restoration training courses and is also happy to mentor dentists through more complex cases; both those with solely a dental implant origin and those requiring multi-disciplinary advanced restorative dentistry. Please contact the surgery regarding forthcoming courses and for referral packs.

Bath Dental Excellence

29 Brock Street
Somerset BA1 2LN

View practice web site

Bath Dental Excellence is a completely private clinic.

We strive to consistently provide services of the highest quality with regards to clinical outcomes and patient experience. This is achieved through comprehensive and continued communication with patients and referring dentists.

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